The summer season in the traditional culture, unlike the winter period, was not as rich in terms of calendar customs and folk festivities; only localised smaller-scale events were held during that time of the year, as well as the occasional feast days dictated by the liturgical year. Summer was the season during which no significant […]

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Despite the common belief, the sole purpose of hunting is not killing wild animals for sustenance. In fact, the hunting is also concerned with wildlife nourishment and preserving biodiversity. In other words, the primary task of today’s hunters is to prevent the extinction of animal species or the endangerment of one species by another. To […]

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Three kilometres (1,8 mi) away from the Konavle Cliffs, at 122 metres (133 yd) of depth, lies a shipwreck of the armoured cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi. Despite the fact the Konavle residents knew the approximate location of the wreck site, its exact coordinates were determined only in the 21st century; following its discovery, a team of […]

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